(Apr 14, 2024)


Life does a balancing act all the time!


We all talk about having a balance in life. A balance does not get created without polarities. Somewhere the karmic philosophy of what goes around, comes around also has balance as its fulcrum. 

When I finished the weekly tarot cards ritual for this Week Ahead (April 15-April 21), and took a good look at the cards that I pulled for the respective decans (there are 36 decans across the 12 Sun signs), I could clearly see a pattern of polarities emerging. Collectively, the 36 cards — one for each decan — provides a snapshot of trends that one can see emerging for the week ahead. Understanding the patterns and connecting the dots is so important in life.

So what are the cards telling us this week?

Aces appearing four times (Ace of Wands, which represents the fiery, creative potential, appears thrice) reveals a trend of a burst of opportunities or new situations getting triggered. This is good for those looking to start something new. On the other hand, perhaps to balance this, there’s distress and difficulties with fives (numerical 5) appearing thrice.

The charity card (VI of Pentacles) and Justice, each appearing twice, further accentuates the requirement for a balance, and urges the more benevolent ones (those with the Ace of Cups) to help out those in need. And, where there’s no help in sight, there’s inner strength (Strength) and prayer (Hierophant), with both these cards showing up prominently.

In equity lies beauty— and this is showcased by the sixes (numerical 6) which appear thrice.

All work (VIII of Pentacles appears twice) and no play? The balance is needed here as well, and the IX of Pentacles emphasises on the importance of self care.

The Devil appearing twice is also balanced by the Magician in equal measure, unless they’re ganging up!

That throws up a question about trust. A partnership can thrive only when there’s a good balance (II of Cups). 

Elementally, with more than one-third of the cards dominated by the earth element, it can be reckoned that there’s action on ground with matters developing as we speak.

The appearance of three Pages indicates news that could keep people busy.. Hmmm.. could it be about certain domain leaders (Kings appearing twice; Queen, once) or a turning point (Wheel of Fortune) that appears in one of the decans? 

For now, let’s embody the Fool’s attitude and remain carefree without worrying about the outcomes. Live in the moment, just like The Fool! By the way, to balance that energy, we have The World card telling us that finally it’s all going to come full circle!

What goes around, comes around!


If you would like me to deep dive into your reading, write to me [namrata@onthetarottable.com].


Here we go…



First decan (March 21-March 30)


Karmic redemption will bring some kind of a balance in your life. Take control of your actions. Do what is right. A beautiful life can be reclaimed after justice has been done. 

Second decan (March 31-April 9)

Ace of Wands

You have started on a new job or taken on a new role which will bring renewed excitement this week. It’s a good start. Keep the will and energies high!

Third decan (April 10-April 19)

The Hierophant 

Pay heed to your inner voice while making decisions. Check where you are headed and if there are any missteps, correct them now. Stick to traditions and rely on spirituality.



First decan (April 20-April 29)

V of Wands

You may face certain restrictions to an idea you proposed. Keep your energies in check. Organise your thoughts and schedule a discussion to explain your stand at a later date, after this phase is over.

Second decan (April 30-May 9)

VI of Pentacles 

You may either give or need help depending on where the scales are tilted. The beauty of the energies that surround you this week lies in the purity of giving.

Third decan (May 10-May 20)

IX of Pentacles 

You’ve earned your reward. This week, you can schedule an outing to celebrate your life. Work can wait. Enjoy the beauty of life before it passes!



First decan (May 21-May 30)

IX of Pentacles 

There’s more to life than work. Take the time out to bring in some freshness. Be receptive to the gifts that life has to offer you. Be happy that you have the luxury of time!

Second decan (May 31-June 9)

Queen of Swords 

Keep your ambitions high, nurture them while giving preference to your head over your heart. Use your intellect and be witty and wise. Ensure there’s equity in your decisions.

Third decan (June 10-June 20)

II of Cups

A new partnership you have been working towards, will yield good results. Be open to an equitable give and take. You will be sentimentally attached to this venture. 


First decan (June 21-July 1)

Ace of Wands

If you have been looking to start on a new journey or executing an idea, the energies are good for this week. Ensure you put in the requisite efforts behind the same.

Second decan (July 2-July 11)

Page of Wands

You may receive communication about a new job or proposal. Keep your energies high to attend to tasks scheduled for this week. Be aspirational.

Third decan (July 12-July 22)

Wheel of Fortune 

A much awaited turning point is now in sight. Good luck is in store. Make sure you are prepared for the change that’s knocking at your door. 



First decan (July 23- August 2)

V of Pentacles 

You may face certain difficulties this week. But bear in mind that this is just a phase and it will pass. Seek help to overcome the hardship. Sun is your ruler and it’ll not let you down.

Second decan (August 3-August 12)

Page of Pentacles 

You may bag a new contract or get some funding. Use it wisely. Be industrious. Be grounded and ensure you make plans that materialise.

Third decan (August 13-August 22)

VII of Wands

Keep your ego in check but when faced with any criticism, use wise judgement to come clear and win over any opposition. Deploy your energies well, without dissipating them.



First decan (August 23-September 1)


If there are any areas of life where there are imbalances, these will be restored. Karmic influences will be strong. Be open to both receiving as well as giving.

Second decan (September 2-September 11)

The Hermit

Trust your inner voice. Take a solo trip to connect with your inner self. For any unresolvable issues, seek guidance from experts.

Third decan (September 12-September 22)

V of Swords 

There could be encounters that may not be pleasing. Silence is golden. Maintain equipoise if you wish to maintain cordial relations. Raise your energies to higher states.



First decan (September 23-October 2)

The Fool

You’ll have a carefree attitude this week, as you have nothing to lose. A rebellious streak might sneak in. Be mindful of where you’re headed. The journey has just begun.

Second decan (October 3-October 12)

VIII of Pentacles 

You’ll be working hard this week. It’s a good time to give shape to your dreams and materialise them. Utilise every minute to make it happen. Your creativity will mingle with your analytical mind.

Third decan (October 13-October 22)

The World 

A feeling of fulfilment will keep you happy this week. You’ve come a long way and have overcome many obstacles. Reflect on your achievements as you begin on a new journey.



First decan (October 23-November 1)

IV of Cups

There may be a tendency to become temperamental. Shun apathy and be grateful for what the universe is offering you. There’s stability in life. Transmute this emotion into contemplation that will help you move forward.

Second decan (November 2-November 11)

Ace of Cups 

There are significant blessings in your life. You’ll be surrounded by love and gratitude. Use this phase to pass on some of the benevolence to those in need. 

Third decan (November 12-November 21)

King of Cups 

Self love will be important for you this week, even as you extend care to near and dear ones. You’ll be looked upon as someone compassionate. Empathy will be the buzzword.



First decan (November 22-December 1)

VI of Pentacles 

There’s great merit in giving. If you are blessed in abundance, this week you may get an opportunity to help someone in need. If you are the person who needs care, your previous deeds will bring help to your door.

Second decan (December 2-December 11)

The Devil

There could be a tendency to stray from your path of righteousness. Do not get bonded to low energies. Don’t be in debt. Break free of over indulgence with the help of your zodiac’s ruling planet (Jupiter). 

Third decan (December 12-December 21)

VI of Wands

You’ll bag some accolades on account of good work. People are looking up to you. Don’t let pride turn into ego. Use this phase to build on your acclaim.



First decan (December 22-December 31)

The Magician

You’ll be in full command in whatever sphere you’re operating in. If you are specifically in communications, your excellence may surprise all. Use this time to accomplish hard tasks.

Second decan (January 1-January 10)

Page of Cups

Starting out on a new passion? This will be a good time to raise your aspirations. You’ll need to ensure you enhance your skills in the domain to take this forward.

Third decan (January 11-January 19)

King of Wands

You’ll have a good command on your domain. You’ll ace anything and everything you lay your hands on. Keep your energies high and let the creativity flow.



First decan (January 20-January 29)

The Devil

Your rebellion should help you out of bondage and not the other way around. Over indulging in anything — even work — can put you off track. Take charge of your life.

Second decan (January 30-February 8)

VIII of Pentacles 

Make hay while the sun shines. This phase is good to keep the tempo high. Productivity will be good. Your hardwork will be visible and will reap good dividends.

Third decan (February 9-February 18)

The Chariot

Persistent efforts will be required to accomplish a hard task at hand. Do not give up. If it requires you to travel, make the effort in that direction.



First decan (February 19-February 28/29)

The Magician

There’s no task that you cannot accomplish. You’ll be working at your best capacity. It’s a great time for communication as well. Use this gift to smoothen a rather sticky situation.

Second decan (March 1-March 10)


You’ll need the courage to deal with a rather tedious situation at hand. The power is right within you. Tap into the infinite strength that’s at your disposal. Be brave.

Third decan (March 11-March 20)

Ace of Wands

A new idea or job has got you engaged. You have a strong will and creativity to take this up to another level. Keep your energies high. This is just the beginning.