(Apr 21, 2024)


Have the resolve? Materialise big dreams!


If you have a strong will, nurturing capabilities, and an earnest resolve to overcome difficulties, you’ll be in a good position to manifest your dreams this week. A collective view of the cards that I pulled out of my deck for this Week Ahead (April 22-28) reveals that matters would be in their early stage of development. But moderation is required. Sudden changes and difficulties in the form of miscommunication and financial instability are indicated for some. Introspection can help make the right choices at the forks that may show up, else there are chances of going astray.

Persistent efforts can lead to great success. Being well prepared can help one catapult when lady luck knocks at the door.

Rewards will only be commensurate with the efforts. Some sacrifices may be required. Unique skills, however, can help one sail through. Great intellect can help materialise dreams better.

Given below are the specific, decan-wise readings for every zodiac Sun sign.

If you would like me to deep dive into your reading, write to me [namrata@onthetarottable.com].


Here we go…



First decan (March 21-March 30)

V of Wands 

You may have to put in efforts to get more organised for what’s coming up. If you want the recognition, declutter your energies this week and make better plans.

Second decan (March 31-April 9)

V of Swords 

If you wish to have a peaceful life, avoid negative thoughts about others. Don’t give voice to such thoughts. It may otherwise result in breakups and resentment.

Third decan (April 10-April 19)

The Chariot

You are required to put in persistent and honest efforts to get things moving. Use your inner will to motivate yourself. If need be, travel to overcome stagnation.



First decan (April 20-April 29)

V of Swords 

Think before you speak. Some bitterness in your thoughts could seep out to affect relations. Turn your mind to calmer domains to avoid harsh energies.

Second decan (April 30-May 9)

The Chariot

Remain focused on what you need to achieve this week. You will accomplish the task with consistent efforts. Shun any lethargy as you may need to put in extra hours at work or travel.

Third decan (May 10-May 20)

V of Pentacles 

Insecurity could force you to revisit your financial plans. Don’t be disappointed as this is a phase that’ll pass. Have faith and take care of your health.



First decan (May 21-May 30)

King of Swords 

Raise your ambitions. Your thought leadership will be put to good use. Live up to it.  Avoid being judgmental. If you have been working on an idea, it’ll reach a point of maturity.

Second decan (May 31-June 9)

The World 

You’ve reached a point where you just want to be. You’ve come a long way. Break free of any shackles and reap the fruits of your efforts. It’s a fulfilling time. Other matters can wait.

Third decan (June 10-June 20)

The Hermit

You are advised to introspect on an important matter before you make a decision. Listen to your higher self or take guidance from a senior/expert if need be. Don’t communicate your thoughts just yet.



First decan (June 21-July 1)


You need to get your life back in balance. Maintain moderation. Take rest if you feel low on energy this week. Take recourse in meditation to keep your spirits high. 

Second decan (July 2-July 11)

Page of Swords 

Your mind is racing at top speed. Make sure you inculcate a positive mindset and mature thinking. There’s no point in being critical as you begin on a new phase.

Third decan (July 12-July 22)

IX of Cups 

Ah! That joy of having it all will keep you smiling. Don’t be extravagant or over emotional. Be grateful for what you’ve been blessed with this week.



First decan (July 23- August 2)

II of Cups

A new partnership or friendship could develop a good bond. Maintain a balance in whatever you undertake. Be receptive to warmth and reciprocate with compassion.

Second decan (August 3-August 12)

Ace of Pentacles 

A new idea has a good potential to materialise. It’s a new beginning. Be enterprising and industrious. Nurture this phase of your life and  it’ll provide you the required stability.

Third decan (August 13-August 22)

III of Wands 

Expand your horizons beyond your comfort zone. Life is benevolent and a growth phase has begun. Make the most of it. Keep your energies high.



First decan (August 23-September 1)

Page of Cups

Be nurturing and caring this week. Emotions could be the driving factor while taking decisions regarding a younger member of the family. Be loving, compassionate.

Second decan (September 2-September 11)

Ace of Pentacles 

You have a good idea that could materialise soon. If you need funding, this week could be lucky for you. Nurture your passion and potential.

Third decan (September 12-September 22)

King of Pentacles 

Your stability is good this week, especially if you are looking to make a big investment. Your chances of getting a promotion or a good raise are high.



First decan (September 23-October 2)

Knight of Pentacles 

Do a thorough research before you make an investment plan this week. It’s better to be sure than make a wrong decision. Your quest may take longer than you imagined.

Second decan (October 3-October 12)

III of Pentacles 

You’ll grow your skills with a focus on enhancing your stability. Expand your scope and engage with coworkers to ensure timely completion of tasks at hand. 

Third decan (October 13-October 22)

The Tower

A sudden change or event could put regular work on the slow burner. Keep your wits about you. Be calm and do not overreact during this phase. Let it pass.


First decan (October 23-November 1)

The Devil

You may be working very hard, but don’t overdo it. You need to take a break and disconnect for a healthier life. Anything in excess could harm you.

Second decan (November 2-November 11)

The Hanged Man

Circumstances may force you to sacrifice your needs this week. Maintain equipoise to let the situation pass. Take the moral high ground. There’s little one can do in situations like these.

Third decan (November 12-November 21)

VI of Cups

There’s a lot to be grateful for in your life. You may meet an old acquaintance and run down the memory lane. Be kind and compassionate. 



First decan (November 22-December 1)

II of Pentacles 

You’ll be busy multitasking this week. There’s too much on your plate and tight deadlines. A balance is what you’ll crave for. This is just the beginning. Wait for the cycle to turn.

Second decan (December 2-December 11)

II of Cups 

You’ll be receptive to new partnerships. It’ll be a blessing and will bring the requisite balance in your life. It’s a comforting phase which brings the much needed respite.

Third decan (December 12-December 21)

The Magician

You have great will power to make things happen this week. If it’s to do with work, you’ll ace it. You’ll be in good form this week. Make the most of this phase.



First decan (December 22-December 31)

The Lovers

Life presents several choices to you. Use your discretion wisely. Pay heed to what your higher self is telling you to make the right decision. You will be guided well.

Second decan (January 1-January 10)

The Sun

It’s a happy time for you this week. There’s success in your endeavours and you’ll gain popularity in your circles. Make affirmations and they’ll ring in!

Third decan (January 11-January 19)


This week you’ll awaken to a new idea or a phase of life. Do what feels right and surrender to your superconscious. An epiphany could strike you regarding a lesson you haven’t learnt yet.


First decan (January 20-January 29)

III of Wands 

The sun is shining and lighting up your path ahead. This is a good growth phase. Plan your expansions this week. Your energy levels are high to support your ambitions.

Second decan (January 30-February 8)

III of Swords 

You’ll face some disappointment this week. But keep your mind off emotional matters. It could drain your energies. Seek to get a balance in life.

Third decan (February 9-February 18)

Wheel of Fortune 

If you’ve been looking for a change, a turning point is in sight. The beneficial energy comes into your awareness this week. It could alter the way you think, presenting a new opportunity that could change your life.



First decan (February 19-February 28/29)

III of Wands 

You could look at growth opportunities beyond your current level. An expansive phase could help you grow not just as a person but also as a professional and leader in your domain.

Second decan (March 1-March 10)

II of Pentacles 

There’s more on your plate than you can chew. The ride can be exasperating. Keep a balance in life even as you try to get into a growth phase.

Third decan (March 11-March 20)

II of Cups 

Emotionally, you will find a good balance. Be open to new partnerships that’ll help you in the long run. The blessings of your higher self are with you. Be loving and compassionate.